Unit 1: Core Issues in the learning context
Student interaction and teacher roles
Lesson planning and determining aims
Analysing written and spoken language
Unit 2: Micro skills of teaching ESOL
Unit 3: Teaching skills-focused lessons
Listening 1 Listening sub skills and a typical lesson
Listening 2 Learner-friendly listening lessons
Reading 1 Knowing about strategies and sub skills
Reading 2 Setting tasks for reading texts
Writing 1 A product approach and features of written language
Unit 4: Teaching language-focused lessons
Teaching vocabulary 1 Different approaches
Teaching vocabulary 2 Concept checking
Teaching Grammar 1 Different Approaches
Teaching Grammar 2 Grammar from texts
Teaching Grammar 3 Using communicative activities
Teaching Grammar 4 Concept-checking grammar
Unit 5: Materials and resources
Timetabling a sequence of lessons
CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning
The following books are referred to at the end of ETS TaskBook lessons:
- Classroom Dynamics by Jill Hadfield (Oxford University Press 1992)
- Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers by Michael McCarthy (Cambridge University Press 1991)
- Drama Techniques: A resource book for communication activities for language teachers (3rd edition) by Alan Maley and Alan Duff (Cambridge University Press 2005)
- Games for Language Learning (3rd edition) by Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby (Cambridge University Press 2006)
- How to Teach Grammar by Scott Thornbury (Pearson 1999)
- How to Teach Speaking by Scott Thornbury (Pearson 2005)
- Learning Teaching (2nd edition) by Jim Scrivener (Macmillan 2005)
- Learning to Learn English by Gail Ellis and Barbara Sinclair (Cambridge University Press 1989)
- Music and Song by Tim Murphey (Oxford University Press 1992)
- Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom by Tricia Hedge (Oxford University Press 2000)
- The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th edition) by Jeremy Harmer (Pearson 2007)
- The Self Directed Teacher by David Nunan and Clarice Lamb (Cambridge University Press 1996)
- Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom by Jane Sherman (Cambridge University Press 2003)
The following DVD and workbook is referred to at the end of ETS TaskBook lessons:
Language Teaching Classroom Practice DVD and Workbook by Heather Richards and Karen Wise (AUT University 2007)