Make sure you get lots of speaking practice. Research shows that you acquire language by using it and trying to communicate.
Practice reading and listening everyday. This helps your reading and listening skills and means that you are meeting new vocabulary all the time. It is fine to read and listen to things that are easy. After reading and listening to something, tell someone about it.
Try out new language and experiment with words.
Don’t worry if “it doesn’t all make sense.” If you are worried, you will not learn effectively. Go with the flow – it will make sense later.
Keep your learning interesting. If it is not interesting, do something else or get some advice.
Make sure your learning is relevant and you know why you are learning this language and how you can use it in your life.
Connect what you are learning to the real world. Spend your time doing real, meaningful activities.
Use your resources well. How will you use your time? Who (other learners, teachers, home stay, flatmates) can help you? What learning materials do you have available?
Planning: plan your learning. Action: do something. Reflection: Think about how it went. Was it useful? What changes do you need to make? What help do you need?
"I had an amazing experience studying in the Languages International. The school had an excellent infrastructure, skilled professionals, and a very good academic program. Work on the Learning Centre integrates the real world and allows us to develop the learning of English language effectively!”