Photo: Surf Raglan by Bas Schonenberg
On the last weekend, I was with friends in New Zealand‘s surfing paradise Raglan. Raglan is a small nice city on the west coast of New Zealand and only 2 hours away from Auckland.
We rented a car by Jucy Car Rental (the cheapest and best company to rent a car). On Friday, directly after school, we went to Raglan. After our arrival, we cooked ourselves a meal and drank a quiet beer together after that.
On Saturday morning, we went surfing. The Raglan Surfing School picked us up at our BBH Backpacker. We had a 1 hour introduction about surfing and its risks and after that we went to the sea. I tried to surf and after a few times I stood on the board :-). We did that for the next 2 hours and it was so much fun. I got better and better. But after this fantastic experience I was so exhausted.
The only thing that you have to consider is that you get discounts everywhere, but you get them everywhere only if you ask for them all the time.
So my recommendation: Do it as well and you will have a lot of fun!
By Cheers, a student at Languages International