Two weeks ago I went with friends to Rotorua. We booked a bus from Auckland to Rotorua and back. The trip started on a Friday morning, we actually needed 4 hours to arrive in Rotorua. First we searched the Backpackers and found a very good one. We were 6 students and booked two rooms. On Friday Evening we didn’t do anything, we enjoyed the evening in the Backpackers called Funky Green Voyager. Saturday we visited somewhere like a kart drive. You can rent a luge an drive down the hill, it was great and funny! For the evening we booked a tour to the wood to meet some Maori. It was expensive but very interesting and fantastic. They sang , danced and cooked for us. We could also take a look in their houses. After this trip, it means like 11 pm. We enjoyed the evening like Friday. The time was gone very fast because on Sunday we left Rotorua at 11.45 am.

Story contributed by a student from Scott’s class at Languages International Auckland